How to Identify Emotions FASTER, the 5-Minute Heart-Wall and the Practitioner's Business Card
Have you been thinking... there has got to be a faster way? Do you spend way too much time identifying all the emotions in a Heart-Wall session?
Did you know you can earn MORE money in your practice when you can identify emotions faster. Why? Simple, if you can work faster, then you can feel confident having 25-minute sessions. Now, if you were having 45-60 minute sessions, now you can two clients in 1 hour -- doubling your income.
Did I Just Help Double Your Income? Yup!
Hi, I'm Michael Losier. I have been mentoring Certified Emotion Code Practitioners on how to build a success practice with my monthly Business Growth Club. This training is their #1 success tool in growing their business.
Now you can learn this technique so you can be more effective, efficient, and faster in identifying any emotions from any chart.