Law of Attraction 101 How to Reset Your Vibes
Taken from Michael's bestselling book, Law of Attraction, Michael will explaining and teach where to get started using Law of Attraction AND what words you need to eliminate first, before you can apply Law of Attraction.
Are you new to Law of Attraction and confused about what it’s all about or even where to get started?Are you curious about why you keep attracting negative people and things over and over again, or are you one of those people that call yourself ‘lucky’ because you attract good and positive things?
There is a reason why you are attracting the things you do – both positive and negative. Now is it time to find out WHY and most importantly, HOW to stop attracting what you don’t want and start attracting what you DO want.
I have prepared this special, content-rich video training class to teach you:
What is Law of Attraction and how does it work?
Why you are attracting negative things and people to your life.
What you need to STOP doing so you reduce and eliminate negativity to your life.
The relationship between the words you use and the results you are getting,
And tools and strategies so you can apply Law of Attraction to your life right away.
This video training comes with downloadable worksheets so you can follow along with the training and REALLY get it.
I use Accelerate Learning Techniques during my live and my video training seminars. These techniques will make sure that all the learning styles are addressed, so I am sure to match the way YOU like to learn.
Share this training with your friends and family so everyone in your life can start attracting what they DO want and reduce and eliminate what they DON’T want.
Sign up, it’s a FREE, short video training series that will change the way you think and speak – possibly, forever.