Emotion Code Healing with Michael Losier

I'm ready to book my 1-on-1 session with Michael

Itā€™s Time to Ditch Your Emotional Baggage and Physical
Pain with Emotion Code Healing!

Do any of these scenarios sound familiar?

  • You have chronic aches, and pains and pills provide only short-term relief.
  • You have pain in your leg, hip, and knee, but you don't know why.
  • Your gut says you're being held hostage by adverse events and experiences from the past.
  • Even though you're working hard on your business, you don't see the results you want. You know something is holding you back, but you're not sure what it is.
  • You have too much in your head, you can hardly get clear on what you want, and when you think you're clear, you talk yourself out of it.
  • You want to have a bigger and more exciting lifeā€”to travel or maybe take on a large, ambitious project like writing a book. But you procrastinate, put things off and can't even get started.

I have good news that you may find surprising.

You're feeling this way because you have unprocessed negative emotions from your past. These unprocessed emotions are causing your problems. The GREAT news is that I can find them, and delete them on your behalf.

Have A Question For Michael? Contact Here

Releasing Negative Emotions Session
with Michael Losier - Emotion Code Healing

Download Your Sessions Prep List, if Needed.

Use this "menu" of challenges/problems to help build your own list of what you want to bring to your Releasing Negative Emotions session with Michael. In many cases, he can cover 5 or more items in a 25-minute session.


Which of these challenges/problems are on your list?

Michael's clients have had success where the Emotion Code was used for:

Aching wrists, fingers, and hands


Always cold feet/hands

Always tired/exhausted


Anxious about everything

Anxious in public

Back pain, upper, mid, and lower

Blocked nasal passages

Blocks: clients

Blocks: creativity

Blocks: health

Blocks: love

Blocks: money

Bowel issues

Brain fog

Burning chest sensation


Crying easily

Excessive sweating

Falling and staying asleep

Fear of anything

Feeling insecure

Feeling of blocked breathing

Food/drink addiction




Hard to take deep breaths

Hatred towards someone





Hormonal issues




Knee pain or discomfort

Limiting beliefs: money

Limiting beliefs: success

Limiting beliefs: weight loss



Low self-esteem


Morning sickness

Nasal passage feels blocked

Neck pain or stiffness

Negative self talk

Night sweats

Numbness in hands, feet, legs

Old negative experiences/accidents

Old negative memories

Pain (overall body)

Panic attacks



Resistance: eating veggies

Aching wrists, fingers, and hands


Always cold feet/hands

Always tired/exhausted


Anxious about everything

Anxious in public

Back pain, upper, mid, and lower

Blocked nasal passages

Blocks: clients

Blocks: creativity

Blocks: health

Blocks: love

Blocks: money

Bowel issues

Brain fog

Burning chest sensation


Crying easily

Excessive sweating

I'm ready to book my 1-on-1 session with Michael

I'm ready to schedule my
Ā Emotion Code Healing session with Michael

Choose your session package:

Two, 25-minute sessions (SPECIAL $175) Reg. $200
Five, 25-minute session package or
Eleven, 25-minute session package

Specialty Packages
Ā Releasing Negative Emotions

Check out these specialty packages for a healthier body, more money and abundance, and a booming business.

This specialty offer is done via e-mail.Ā  A quick questionnaire and Michael can get started.

Check out the details.

This specialty offer is done via e-mail.Ā  A quick questionnaire and Michael can get started.

Check out the details.

3, 25-minute sessions

Your money beliefs and trapped emotions are keeping you poor. Let Michael help you with that today.

3, 25-minute sessions

If you're tired of trying, failing, and feeling discouraged because you can never keep the weight off, then this is the place to start.

Business Owners:

90-Day Monthly Membership

Unlock Success With The Law of Attraction & Emotional Release

Unlock your full potential by combining the power of the Law of Attraction with the release of negative emotions. Transform your mindset, clear emotional blocks, and step into the life you deserve
ā€”vibrations aligned, results accelerated.

See Program Details

Have a question for Michael?

Releasing Negative Emotion Sessions with Michael

Using muscle testing, Michael will identify the unprocessed old negative emotions and RELEASE them during your Releasing Negative Emotions session.