How often each day should I read or say my desire statement? - Law of Attraction
Feb 03, 2020The purpose of the Desire Statement is to support you in giving attention, energy and focus to your newly birthed desire. It teaches you how to add language to your desires so that they feel good. The key to the Desire Statement is it needs to be TRUE for you. You’ll notice that one of the recommended sentences is “I love how it feels knowing….” Using this sentence allows you to state your desire in a way that makes it true for you. When it is true for you, you send out a positive vibration. It’s not a matter of how often you read or say your Desire Statement each day. Your goal is to give your desire positive attention, knowing that as you do, you are sending out a positive vibration.
Once you create a Desire Statement, you have completed steps 1 and 2 of the 3-step Law of Attraction formula. Now your work is to Allow. Spend most of your time and energy there. Keep finding proof that you are manifesting something that is in alignment with your desire. When you celebrate and acknowledge something you have manifested, this proof helps remove the doubt and negative vibrations that prevent you from receiving your desire.
In short, it’s not about how often you do each step of the Law of Attraction formula. The key point is to send out or offer a positive vibration with respect to your desire. Identify what you want, give positive attention, energy and focus to it, and remove the doubt and negative vibration you may be sending by celebrating proof as you find it.
Michael Losier is a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner and Law of Attraction Coach/Trainer living in Victoria, BC, Canada.
He is the author of three bestselling books:
Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don't,
Law of Connection: The Science of Using NLP to Create Ideal Personal and Business Relationships, and
Your Life's Purpose: Uncover What Really Fulfills You.
Learn more about Michael and his services on Releasing Negative Emotions, visit: www.ReleasingNegativeEmotions.com
Michael was interviewed four times by Oprah Winfrey on her Soul Series show on Oprah Radio(TM). Michael then went on to host his own radio show on Oprah Radio(TM).
Check out Michael's Author Page on Amazon.com: